We have had some great weather lately. I can't believe that its been so warm and its November. The weather was nice enough this weekend that we were able to get outside with the kids and get the yard work done. We are trying to get it all finished before it starts snowing. We managed to get half of the leaves burned and the garage clean out. It will be nice being able to park in the garage again. I was starting to worry that I would end up scraping snow this year.
The kids had a great time helping with the yard. I think the highlight for them was getting to have lunch outside. Since we had the burn pile going we couldn't all go inside for lunch since someone had to stay out and watch it. So I took it all outside and we had a picnic. It was great, strange to be sitting outside with short sleeves and no coats but fun none the less.
The real highlight this weekend though wasn't the nice weather it was getting to call the local Poison Control center. I don't think you can call yourself a parent if your kids haven't been to the ER and you haven't had to call PC at least once.
We had bowling early last night so that meant that we had to pick up the babysitter rather then her getting dropped off. Kevin went to get her while I finished up dinner for the kids. They were messing around in the bathroom and I yelled for them to come out and that's when I heard D gagging. I go look and he has my deodorant in his hands and there is a huge bite taken out of it. Great. So I look at the label and it does recommend doctor or PC if ingested. It turns out that kids can eat small amounts and the worst it will do is cause them to vomit. I guess that was the good news. Thankfully he doesn't seem any worse for wear from the episode. Guess this means we need to remove the step stool from the bathroom so they can't get stuff off of the counter.
Sunday Secrets
4 years ago