Monday, November 09, 2009

Now I Really Feel Like a Mother...

We have had some great weather lately.  I can't believe that its been so warm and its November.  The weather was nice enough this weekend that we were able to get outside with the kids and get the yard work done.  We are trying to get it all finished before it starts snowing.  We managed to get half of the leaves burned and the garage clean out.  It will be nice being able to park in the garage again.  I was starting to worry that I would end up scraping snow this year.

The kids had a great time helping with the yard.  I think the highlight for them was getting to have lunch outside.  Since we had the burn pile going we couldn't all go inside for lunch since someone had to stay out and watch it.  So I took it all outside and we had a picnic.  It was great, strange to be sitting outside with short sleeves and no coats but fun none the less.

The real highlight this weekend though wasn't the nice weather it was getting to call the local Poison Control center.  I don't think you can call yourself a parent  if your kids haven't been to the ER and you haven't had to call PC at least once.

We had bowling early last night so that meant that we had to pick up the babysitter rather then her getting dropped off.  Kevin went to get her while I finished up dinner for the kids.  They were messing around in the bathroom and I yelled for them to come out and that's when I heard D gagging.  I go look and he has my deodorant in his hands and there is a huge bite taken out of it.  Great.  So I look at the label and it does recommend doctor or PC if ingested.  It turns out that kids can eat small amounts and the worst it will do is cause them to vomit.  I guess that was the good news.  Thankfully he doesn't seem any worse for wear from the episode.  Guess this means we need to remove the step stool from the bathroom so they can't get stuff off of the counter.

Friday, November 06, 2009


It really is going to be Christmas before I know it. 

So Halloween has come and gone. Kira went as a princess this year and Damian was Captain Kirk.  We did a theme with Joy  and Oren went as Spock.  The boys were adorable together and Kira was super cute.  The best was that I actually made her costume.  That dress is the first piece of clothing I have ever made.  I think it turned out great.

This year we went trick or treating twice.  We were supposed to go three times but the rain kept us from the Family Halloween Night in Nevada.  The first time we went it was to Night Eyes at the Blank Park Zoo.  This is a great way for the little ones to get dressed up and still have fun during the day.   Basically you go around the zoo and at each animal area a group sponsors a tent and hands out candy.  The kids had a blast getting to walk around and see the animals.  The candy was just a big bonus to them.  The highlight though was getting to see the snow leopard.  Typically we only go during the summer and its just to hot out for the leopard, so you either don't get to see him or you just get to see a part of him on his platform snoozing.  This time he was walking infront of the cage.  The kids could have stayed there the whole time if we would have let them. 

The second time that we went was for Beggar's Night in Ankeny.  They do this usually the night before Halloween and then the kids don't go out on Halloween itself.  Its a lot of fun as the kids are suppose to tell jokes or do a trick.  We tried to get Kira to say a few jokes but she would not do it.  The only downside was that it was really cold and it rained for the first 20 minutes or so.  We only took the boys to a few houses before it just got to be to much for them.  Kira toughed it out and we went around to her bucket was mostly full.  By that time her little hands were bright red so we made the decision to take her back to Joy's even though she wanted to keep going. Once we were inside where it was warm she did relent that she was       really cold.  All of the kids ate way to much candy that night and were bouncing off of the walls till the wee hours of the morning!