Monday, July 14, 2008

Oh the joys of children

So this weekend we had a little wedding shower to go to. A good friend of mine is getting married in August and being the great friend that I am, I'm bailing on the wedding to go spend a week at the beach with my family. Originally I was supposed to be in the wedding, but that changed due to Mr. D. Then I was just going to be an attendant, but when I got the invitation I realized that the wedding and my one and only vacation this year were on the same weekend. Really sucky. So we went to the shower where the only people I knew were the soon to be newlyweds and their kid. i don't do well with new people and strange situations, but for her I sucked it up and went.

It was actually kinda of fun. We met some really nice people that have a daughter that's a month younger than Mr. D. They were best friends with the groom. It would be nice if they lived closer so we could get to know them. They were our kind of people.

So we talked and ate and watched Butter and the brides daughter play. Then when most of the people had left we let the kids play in the pool. Well Butter and I played. K stayed with Mr. D and just laughed at us. Yes I actually ventured in the pool, with a swimsuit on and everything. Butter surprised me though. We have gone swimming before and she has always liked it. Both K and I figured that she would enjoy this, specially since her best friend was going in with us. Boy were we wrong. She through a complete fit, and wanted nothing to do with it. But me being the great mom that I am prevailed and she ended up staying in the water and eventually did have a great time. By then end though she was shivering so bad that I made her get out early. She then though another fit. Man I love two year olds.