Now that our themed was settled we started looking for costumes. After looking around we realized that cost was going to be a huge problem. Manufactured costumes were running between $30-50 apiece. If we dressed everone up, it was going to run us anywhere from $220 to $300. Ouch. Thus we decided to make our own. We looked around online and found this blog, The Clock Blog. They blogger had made some for him and his friend. The problem was this is about the only instructions and they aren't very good from a instruction stand point. Its more of a rough how to. So out came the art supplies. I have enough know how to wing this project. A couple of designs later and we were ready to start.
I took measurements from the kids to get a rough idea on fabric amounts. The ranged from 0.5 yards for the littlest to 2 yards for the biggest. The it was just a matter of felt, fabric paint, fusible interfacing, a couple of t-shirts, and some miscellaneous supplies. A trip to the fabric store and two to the art supply store. Netted us enough materials to make 6 costumes. The total cost was right at about $100. Not bad considering what it would have cost us to buy them. Now it was just a matter of time to complete all of the costumes.

I didn't want to waste the felt, so I raided my kid's art supplies for some construction paper. I had already sketched out rough faces, so between my drawings and Rovio's site I made faces for each of the birds. This This worked well as I made stuff too small to start with and had to resize the pieces a few times. I played with the pieces until I was happy with how everything looked. A double check from Joy and Kevin to make sure that everything looked right and I had my templates for all of the felt.