What happened to September. I swear all I did was blink and its gone. Its not like we did that much as the only thing that we had planned was our trip to Florida.

We took our annual trip with my parents and Joy's family last month. This year we went back to Orlando. It was a blast with way to much food and sun. At least this year no one got burnt, just a little pink. The big thing that we did was Sea World and Gatorland. Both kids had a great time at both. They both had their favorites, D really like all the sharks and the fish and for Kira it was the penguins and the dolphins that she seem to really like. We came home with a ton of new stuffed animals for them, but it was a blast.

The resort that we stayed at was great. All of the kids liked the pool as it had a huge kids area. All of us adults liked the pool cause it had a bar with really yummy drinks! The resort also had a really nice indoor play area for the kids which we utilized a few times. They pretty much had it to themselves and the staff even looked the other way with us going in it to retrive the little ones. I tried out the slide and I really think that they greased it. It was some of the slickest plastic I've slid down!

Dad was super excited to see that they had an arcade. We all got in on it and played games a few nights. The fun thing was they had Guitar Hero. Now other than Mom and Dad, none of us had played it before. Turns out that it's a blast, so when we got back both us and Joy went out and bought it. The fun thing is you can set it to beginner and Kira can play too. She's not half bad either!

The whole trip was a great vacation, but Kira gave us one of the great stories that will be told for years to come. On the flight down we had a set of three and a single seat. I took the kids and sat in the three together. Now D had his car seat so he had to sit next to the window so I put Kira on the aisle so that I could easily reach both of them. The problem with this is she would not stop putting her legs into the aisle. No amount of me telling her to stop was working, so being creative I told her that the attendant with the cart would take her foot off if she kept doing it. She looked at me trying to figure out if I was kidding or not and I said it again. She got this really funny look on her face while it sunk it what I said and she turned to me and replied, " What a bitch!" Umm.... I would like to say that I was the great parent and corrected her with a stern warning about not saying bad words, but no I'm not that parent. I totally lost it. I was laughing so hard that I couldn't explain to everyone what she had just said. Needless to say when I finally could talk, everyone laughed just as hard as I did. Ah memories.